Experienced International Coaches
Transforming Businesses for sustainable investment
Ready worldwide to support your business development
Our Vision
A sustainable world with equal economic and social possibilities for all, in peaceful, respectful, multicultural coexistence.
Our Mission
– Contribute to implementing global sustainable business change for new profitability.
– Always apply UN SDGs as the most important instrument in implementing that change.
– Make sure companies manage to bridge the often impossibly large gap between knowledge and actual change.
– Become the global coaching and consultancy company of choice for conscientious businesspeople.

We support

What We offer
- Leadership Coaching
- Business Coaching
- Executive Coaching
- Team Coaching
- Scale Up Coaching
- Implementation Coaching
- Change Coaching
- Circularity & Sustainability Coaching
- Coaching/Consulting Packages
- Membership Based Offers
How we work
We work with your company wherever you are. Our coaches and consultants can support you alone and we can gather coaches/consultants in teams for larger projects. Because of our special way of working all our customers will be able to enjoy the great synergy of our rich multicultural and multilingual diversity, experience and educational backgrounds. We will deliver utmost quality to you.
Initial assessment
All projects start with an initial assessment where we together with you do a thorough analysis and find out about what goals we will set and reach together.
The plan
After the assessment we’ll draw a plan on the project and agree that plan with you. We’ll so execute that plan together. Projects can be as short as 4 weeks and as long as you wish.
Finishing /continuation
In the finishing / continuation phase we’ll do a final project evaluation together and see if we stop there or continue with a new project.

HIGHLY AFFORDABLE programs for sustainable business change
Easy to enter and take part in from any country in the world. To stay in business your company needs to become sustainable, starting now. We’ll help you. Our Hearts are with you from day 1. We earn money by doing good. We love to work with you. Membership starts From only few $ or €€ a month, Based on the size of your company.

What is a Sustainable Business?
How I can Identify Whether My business is Sustainable Or Not
For Any Support in Developing Your Business
Sustainable Business Policy
Now here’s something different! A sustainable business policy is the total of plans that will not only keep you in business but also help your company adjust, develop, expand, yes, by any means become a long-time stayer company, for many years ahead producing revenue and return on investment.
So do you think it’s a coincidence that a sustainable business policy includes transforming your business into a sustainable one? It isn’t. Research has shown that companies that chose to transform into sustainable ones over time had a much better development than those that didn’t. Do you need more convincing?Environmentally Sustainable Practices
It will not come to you as a surprise in these times of climate change and air, water and soil pollution that the main focus of sustainability in the eyes of the customers and markets is on how we can do business without damaging our environment, maybe even reduce damage already done. Think for instance of all those mountains of waste lying around in our world that leak toxic stuff and how we might be able to make money by managing that waste and (re)create raw materials we can sell for new products.
When addressing environmental challenges we relate to most of the UN SDG’s. Andbelieve it or not, it’s easier than you think and actually, once you’re moving in the right direction, a great joy to both be helping our world and make money at the same time. We’ll help you find the way.